AES-GCM: Authenticated Encryption/Description Core

  • 产品编号: AES-GCM
  • 供应商: CAST, Inc.
  • Partner Tier: Elite Certified


The AES-GCM encryption IP core implements Rijndael encoding and decoding in compliance with the NIST Advanced Encryption Standard. It processes 128-bit blocks, and is programmable for 128-, 192-, and 256-bit key lengths. Two architectural versions are available to suit system requirements. The Standard version (AES32) is more compact, using a 32-bit datapath and requiring 44/52/60 clock cycles for each data block (128/192/256-bit cipher key, respectively). The Fast version (AES128) achieves higher throughput, using a 128-bit datapath and requiring 11/13/15 clock cycles for each data block. GCM stands for Galois Counter. GCM is a generic authenticate-and-encrypt block cipher mode. A Galois Field (GF) multiplier/accumulator is utilized to generate an authentication tag while CTR (Counter) mode is used to encrypt.


  • Standards: Satisfies Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 197 from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Size: From 778 ALMs to 5,812 ALMs depending on version and target device
  • Configuration: Works with a pre-expended key or can integrate the optional key expansion function
  • Deliverables: include test benches, C model and test vector generator




系列 器件 速度等级 工具版本 硬件验证? LUT BRAM DSP48 CMT GTx FMAX (Mhz)
Kintex-UP Family XCKU11P -1 Vivado 2020.1 0 950 2 0 0 0 450
KINTEX-U Family XCKU085 -1 Vivado 2020.1 143 861 2 0 0 0 250
VIRTEX-7X Family XC7VX330T -3 Vivado 2015.4 343 1062 0 0 0 0 300

IP 质量指标


数据创建日期 Oct 03, 2022
当前 IP 修订号 1.15
当前修订日期已发布 Apr 05, 2022
第一版发布日期 Oct 06, 2001

Xilinx 客户的生产使用情况

Xilinx 客户成功生产项目的数量 13
可否提供参考? Y


可供购买的 IP 格式 Netlist, Source Code
源代码格式 VHDL, Verilog
是否包含高级模型? Y
模型格式 C
提供集成测试台 Y
集成测试台格式 Verilog, VHDL
是否提供代码覆盖率报告? N
是否提供功能覆盖率报告? N
是否提供 UCF? UCF
商业评估板是否可用? N
评估板所用的 FPGA N/A
是否提供软件驱动程序? N


代码是否针对 Xilinx 进行优化? N
定制 FPGA 优化技术 None
所支持的综合软件工具及版本 Vivado Synthesis; Mentor Precision; Vivado Synthesis
是否执行静态时序分析? Y
是否包含 IP-XACT 元数据? N


是否有可用的文档验证计划? Yes, document only plan
测试方法 Directed Testing
断言 N
收集的覆盖指标 None
是否执行时序验证? Y
可用的时序验证报告 Y
所支持的仿真器 Synopsys VCS; Cadence NC-Sim; Mentor ModelSIM; Mentor Questa


在 FPGA 上进行验证 N
已通过的行业标准合规测试 N
是否提供测试结果? N