Export Compliance Information
All AMD.com accounts are subject to verification by our Export Compliance team to verify the account owner, associated company or entity, and country of origin. Below are common reasons why an account may be suspended or blocked. If you believe this is an error, you may submit an Export Compliance Review using the link below.
Your AMD.com account may fail Export Compliance for multiple reasons;
- Incomplete First Name, Last Name, Company Name and/or Address. Ensure that your profile has accurate and complete information.
- Addresses with Post Office Boxes and names / addresses with Non-Roman Characters with accents such as grave `, tilde ~ or colon : are not supported by US export compliance systems.
- Usage of private VPN's which mask originating IP addresses. IP address validations are required to ensure your location does not originate from an embargoed destination.
- AMD Xilinx software programs, technical data and products may not be exported or re-exported, either directly or indirectly, to U.S. embargoed destinations or entities of U.S. embargoed destinations, or to individuals on the Entity List, Denied Persons List and the Specially Designated Nationals List without prior written authorization from the relevant US departments. Due to United States Export Administration Regulations (EAR), AMD cannot extend download privileges or technical support to countries categorized in Country Group D or E. The Bureau of Industry and Security has categorized the Country Groups (begins on page 6) on their site .
- Unauthorized Resellers or Partners are blocked from accessing this portal.
If you have checked all of the above and are unable to proceed due to a "Failed export compliance verification", there is a possibility your account has been placed on hold and your profile will need to be screened by our Export Compliance team.
In order for your profile to be reset and cleared, please complete and submit the Export Compliance review form located at the end of this webpage.
Our Export Compliance team will screen and verify your profile. You may be asked to provide additional information to verify identification. Once your account has been verified and approved, an e-mail will be sent notifying you that the block has been removed.
After your account has been validated with the current values on your AMD.com profile and the export compliance block has been removed, DO NOT change any contact fields in your AMD.com profile during the download session as it may block the account again.
If your account is blocked again, please resubmit the Export Compliance review for account re-validation.
If you feel that the Export Compliance block is in error, please complete the Export Compliance Review form (login with an AMD.com account is required).
Additional information (e.g. - photo of Government ID, proof of company employment) may be required for verification during the review process.