
5G puts a tremendous load on existing infrastructure. As new topologies and standards emerge, your systems will need to support them quickly, reliably, and at scale—all while continuing to maintain existing connections. 5G is driving innovations in higher performance, more features, and lower total cost of ownership.

From access to the edge and through the core, AMD solutions are omnipresent in the network. We continue to innovate and invest so that your network infrastructure is 5G-ready today, tomorrow, and into the future.


Packet Networks

Network Slicing, Ethernet and IP Networks for 5G, Cloud, and Edge Computing Applications

Supporting a Range of Protocols

AMD technology provides scalability, flexibility, and performance for packet networks so that you can support protocols ranging from legacy to cutting-edge.

Generations of Ethernet in One Chip

Ethernet is everywhere. AMD FPGAs and adaptive SoCs provide the ability to scale Ethernet with baud rates from 10M to 112G PAM4 and beyond. Whether on the edge supporting a client that is growing from a single 10M port to 1G or 10G, or in the core scaling from 100G to 800G to high FlexE rates, AMD provides a solution.

Adapting to Evolving Specifications

As new specifications emerge, AMD enables the fastest time-to-market solutions. Integrated programmable logic enables new protocols and services leveraging best-in-class hard IP and high-speed SerDes.

Throughout the 10+ year life cycle of communications systems, protocols continually evolve, and AMD keeps pace. AMD enables the widest variety of serial protocols with a combination of world-class transceiver technology, highly flexible integrated IP, and the programmable logic to leverage both.


Speed is no longer the only metric that matters. Networks now rely on accurate timing information, lowest latency, and responsiveness to a wide variety of network traffic. AMD solutions provide:

  • High-precision 1588 timing accuracy
  • World-class round-trip transceiver latency
  • Timing solutions to enable next generation 5G networks and beyond

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