AI Engine Intrinsics  (AIE) r2p21
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Datatype Conversions

Support for converting floating-point numbers to fixed-point and fixed-point numbers to floating-point. More...


Support for converting floating-point numbers to fixed-point and fixed-point numbers to floating-point.

These intrinsics can generate exceptions, for more information you can go here.

These intrinsics do real conversions. No bit reinterpretation takes place.


float fix2float (int n, int sft)
 Fixed-point to Floating-point conversion with scaling.
float fix2float (int n)
 Fixed-point to Floating-point conversion without scaling.
int float2fix (float n, int sft)
 Floating-point to Fixed-point conversion with scaling.
int float2fix (float n)
 Floating-point to Fixed-point conversion without scaling.

Function Documentation

float fix2float ( int  n,
int  sft 

Fixed-point to Floating-point conversion with scaling.

nInteger input value
sftBinary point of input value. Range [-32:31].


If the input value has 8 fractional bits, then 0.5 in fixed point will be expressed as 128. To convert this value to float use the following code, which stores 0.5 in floating-point variable b:

int   n = 128;
float b = fix2float(n,8);
float fix2float ( int  n)

Fixed-point to Floating-point conversion without scaling.

nInteger input value
int float2fix ( float  n,
int  sft 

Floating-point to Fixed-point conversion with scaling.

nFloating point input value
sftBinary point of output value. Range [-32:31].
round(n * pow(2.0, sft)); // round to nearest integer


The input value is 0.5 and the output shall be of format Q24.8 (meaning 8 fractional bits out of 128 bit integer output word). To convert this value to float use the following code, which stores 128 in fixed-point variable a:

float   n = 0.5;
int a = float2fix(n,8);
To achieve better performance, consider using float2fix(v8float v, int sft) instead
int float2fix ( float  n)

Floating-point to Fixed-point conversion without scaling.

nFloating point input value