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    AMD Virtex™ 6 FPGA Embedded Kit

AMD Virtex™ 6 FPGA Embedded Kit

发布者: AMD

Embedded processing using FPGAs have become an integral part of a growing number of applications such as industrial networking and video applications, as well as closed-loop control systems in the industrial and Aerospace & Defense markets. The combined value of parallel processing performance, design reuse, the mitigation of design risk and obsolescence, and the lower cost, weight, area and power resulting from the deeper levels of integration (made even more attractive by the continuing march toward smaller and smaller process nodes) has fueled this trend to a seemingly unavoidable conclusion—the FPGA is becoming the platform of choice for future embedded design in these markets. The AMD Virtex™ 6 FPGA Embedded Kit is based on the Virtex 6 LX240T FPGA, this kit contains an extensible development board and the key Tools & IP needed for embedded development. The Reference Designs and software/hardware tutorials provided with this kit will give a jump-start to your development. If you are a software developer, you can now get started in a familiar Eclipse IDE without running any FPGA hardware design tools.

  • 产品编号:
    • DK-V6-EMBD-G
  • 交付周期: Discontinued
  • 器件支持: Virtex 6

Discontinued: This development kit has been discontinued per PDN advisory XCN19008 and is no longer offered for sale. The solutions targeted for this product will not be updated moving forward with limited support available from AMD.