Download XRT for Alveo Platforms >
Note: When downloading the XRT Installer, please select the same XRT version as your platform version.
(x86, Power PC or ARM CPU)
(FPGA, AI Engine)
AMD Runtime Library is a key component of Vitis™ Unified Software Platform and Vitis AI Development Environment, that enables developers to deploy on AMD adaptable platforms, while continuing to use familiar programming languages like C/C++, Python and high-level domain-specific frameworks like TensorFlow and Caffe.
AMD Runtime Library is an open-source standardized software interface that facilitates communication between the application code and the accelerated-kernels deployed on the reconfigurable portion of PCIe based Alveo accelerator cards, Zynq™ 7000, Zynq UltraScale+™ MPSoC based embedded platforms or Versal™ ACAPs.
AMD Runtime Library runs on the Host CPU. In the case of Embedded Platforms, the Host refers to the ARM processor on the AMD platform and in the case of Alveo™ Accelerator cards, it refers to the x86-based CPU or PowerPC CPU on the server.