UDP/IP Offload Engine 10/25G


Chevin Technology’s 10G/25G UDP/IP Ethernet IP core for FPGAs supports high sustained throughput in a compact logic footprint.

The UDP/IP core provides individual port numbers to differentiate between user requests, and receipt of data is verified using the checksum functionality. De-fragmentation is available as an option, to enable large UDP datagrams to be easily sent and received.

Chevin Technology’s 10G/25G UDP/IP Ethernet IP core is configurable for AMD FPGAs and simplifies integration by handling the complete Ethernet frame assembly. The UDP/IP core is a mature product with proven success in customers’ projects and features our patent-pending Authentication Server..

A simple AXI4 streaming interface is all that is required to start sending and receiving UDP datagrams, and only the user data payload is exchanged between the application and the UDP core. For a single port application the port number can be set to a constant, hard coded or software configurable. A multi-port application is supported by the UDP/IP core's AXI4 streaming interface.

Reference designs are available for various boards to assist with integration and we offer our customers bespoke, expert engineering support packages to help meet their project goals.


  • AXI4s MAC & Application Interfaces
  • Reference Design on AlphaData ADM-PCIE-KU3 board
  • Compose/Decompose complete UDP Datagrams
  • IP frame Checksum Generator/Checker
  • Jumbo frame support up to 32k
  • Configurable operation port filtering
  • 1-64k Ports (configurable ports & filters)
  • Detailed traffic analysis statistics collection
  • Integrated Streaming FIFO – 4 Block RAMs
  • Integrated IP Checksum Generator/Check
  • Flow Control between MAC/User logic
  • Consistently low and predictable latency with zero frame jitter.



系列 器件 速度等级 工具版本 硬件验证? LUT BRAM DSP48 CMT GTx FMAX (Mhz)
VIRTEX-7 Family XC7V585T -2 Vivado ML 2022.1 Y 0 2508 30 0 0 0 156

IP 质量指标


数据创建日期 Jun 26, 2023
当前 IP 修订号 4
当前修订日期已发布 Mar 18, 2021
第一版发布日期 Oct 01, 2016

Xilinx 客户的生产使用情况

Xilinx 客户成功生产项目的数量 5
可否提供参考? Y


可供购买的 IP 格式 Netlist
源代码格式 VHDL
是否包含高级模型? N
模型格式 Other
提供集成测试台 Y
集成测试台格式 VHDL
是否提供代码覆盖率报告? N
是否提供功能覆盖率报告? N
是否提供 UCF? UCF
商业评估板是否可用? Y
评估板所用的 FPGA Kintex UltraScale
是否提供软件驱动程序? N
驱动程序的操作系统支持 NA


代码是否针对 Xilinx 进行优化? N
定制 FPGA 优化技术 None
所支持的综合软件工具及版本 Xilinx XST
是否执行静态时序分析? Y
AXI 接口 AXI4-Stream
是否包含 IP-XACT 元数据? Y


是否有可用的文档验证计划? Yes, document only plan
测试方法 Constrained random testing
断言 N
收集的覆盖指标 Functional
是否执行时序验证? Y
可用的时序验证报告 Y
所支持的仿真器 Mentor ModelSIM; Xilinx lSim


在 FPGA 上进行验证 Y
所使用的硬件验证平台 AlphaData
已通过的行业标准合规测试 N
是否提供测试结果? N