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    AMD Intellectual Property

10 Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller (10GEMAC)

发布者: AMD

AMD provides a parameterizable LogiCORE™ IP solution for the 10 Gigabit per second (Gbps) Ethernet Media Access Controller function used to interface to Physical Layer devices in a 10Gbps Ethernet (10GE) system. The core is designed to work with the latest Virtex™ 6, Virtex 5 and Virtex 4 and Virtex II Pro and Spartan™ 6 platform FPGAs and integrate seamlessly into the design flow.

  • 产品编号:
  • 设计工具支持: Vivado Software, ISE Design Suite
  • 许可: Core License Agreement
  • 器件支持: Artix 7, Kintex 7, Kintex UltraScale, Virtex 6, Virtex 7, Virtex UltraScale, Spartan 6, Zynq 7000