Vivado IP Release Notes
This article contains a list of all 'Vivado™ IP Release Notes - All IP Change Log Information' answer records and the associated Vivado Tools release.
发布者: AMD
The Ethernet AVB (Audio Video Bridging) Endpoint provides a flexible solutin to enhance standard Ethernet MAC functionality. This functionality provides prioritized channels through an existing MAC which provide reliable, low latency, Quality of Service for streaming video and audio data compliant to IEEE 802.1 specification.
Ethernet AVB has been merged with the AXI TEMAC IP and AXI Ethernet IP. Please see those respective web pages for current Ethernet AVB documentation and support.
The Ethernet Audio Video Bridging (AVB) Endpoint core is ideally suited for the development of broadcast, professional and consumer, automotive, and home networking applications.
Ethernet Audio Video Bridging is an emerging IEEE 802.1 standard designed by Audio Video Bridging (AVB) group to provide a reliable, high quality of service and low latency solution for streaming media. It is a low cost enhancement to standard 802.3 Ethernet functionality. Ethernet AVB Endpoint core allows you to be on the cutting edge of this evolutionary technology while providing flexibility to make modifications to conform to any future standard changes. The Ethernet AVB core is a parameterizable core, that operates at 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps. The Ethernet AVB Endpoint seamlessly connects to the AMD embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC (TEMAC) for a highly flexible solution. The Ethernet AVB Endpoint is delivered through the Core Generator™ tool and is part of the comprehensive suite of AMD Ethernet solutions.
Certain AMD technologies may require third-party enablement or activation. Supported features may vary by operating system. Please confirm with system manufacturer for specific features. No technology or product can be completely secure.