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    AMD Intellectual Property

LogiCORE™ IP Mutex

发布者: AMD

Mutex provides a mechanism for mutual exclusion to enable one process to gain exclusive access to a particular resource in a multi-processor environment.

  • 设计工具支持: Vivado Software, ISE Design Suite
  • 捆绑产品: Vivado Software, Embedded Development Kit
  • 许可: End User License Agreement
  • 器件支持: Artix 7, Kintex 7, Virtex 6, Virtex 7, Spartan 6, Kintex UltraScale, Zynq 7000, Virtex UltraScale, Spartan 3, Spartan 3A, Spartan 3A DSP, Spartan 3AN, Spartan 3E, Virtex 4, Virtex 5