PNG-D - PNG Lossless Compression Decoder

  • 产品编号: PNG-D
  • 供应商: CAST, Inc.
  • Partner Tier: Elite Certified


The PNG-D core implements a lossless image decompression engine compliant with the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format specified in the ISO/IEC 15948 and RFC 2083 standards. The decoder core can decompress greyscale, truecolor, and palette-based PNG images with 8 and 16 bits per color. The core supports alpha channel transparency¬ and all the filters and DEFLATE compression options specified by the PNG standard. The core does not currently support the interlaced mode and images with under 8 bits per color, but these can be added on request. The easy-to-use PNG-D core operates on a standalone basis, parsing the image header and decompressing image data without a host processor's assistance. PNG-D accepts compressed data and outputs pixel data via AXI4-Stream interfaces. A separate dedicated interface provides the system with the image header and any ancillary chunks to prepare the decoded images for fur-ther processing and/or display. Moreover, the core detects, reports, and automatically recovers from various errors in the input files.


  • Over 100 Mpixels/s (8-bit greyscale) on Kintex® UltraScale™ and up to 200 Mpixels/s (8-bit greyscale) on Kintex® UltraScale+™ devices
  • Autonomous Operation. Requires no programming or control from the host processor.
  • AXI4-Stream Interfaces for image and compressed data
  • Detects, reports, and automatically recovers from the following error types: CRC or Adler mismatch, image or zlib header syntax error, and unsupported image format
  • Interlacing and less than 8-bit per color can be added on request
  • Both Dynamic and Static Huffman Tables
  • All five filters: Path, Average, Up, Sub, and None
  • 8-bit & 16-bit per color channel
  • All color types (Greyscale and Truecolor with or without alpha, Indexed/Palletized)
  • Supports all chunk types - Ancillary chunks are extracted and broadcasted to the system
  • Compliant with the ISO/IEC 15948 and RFC 2083 standards




系列 器件 速度等级 工具版本 硬件验证? LUT BRAM DSP48 CMT GTx FMAX (Mhz)
KINTEX-U Family XCKU085 -3 Vivado 2020.2 0 4119 16 0 0 0 160
Kintex-UP Family XCKU15P -3 Vivado 2020.2 0 4095 16 0 0 0 200

IP 质量指标


数据创建日期 Jun 09, 2022
当前 IP 修订号 1v00
当前修订日期已发布 Jun 01, 2022
第一版发布日期 Apr 15, 2022

Xilinx 客户的生产使用情况

Xilinx 客户成功生产项目的数量 0
可否提供参考? N


可供购买的 IP 格式 Source Code, Netlist
源代码格式 Verilog
是否包含高级模型? N
提供集成测试台 Y
集成测试台格式 Verilog
是否提供代码覆盖率报告? Y
是否提供功能覆盖率报告? N
是否提供 UCF? XDC
商业评估板是否可用? N
评估板所用的 FPGA N/A
是否提供软件驱动程序? N
驱动程序的操作系统支持 OS Independent


代码是否针对 Xilinx 进行优化? N
定制 FPGA 优化技术 None
所支持的综合软件工具及版本 Synplicity Synplify; Mentor Precision; Vivado Synthesis
是否执行静态时序分析? Y
AXI 接口 AXI4-Stream
是否包含 IP-XACT 元数据? Y


是否有可用的文档验证计划? Yes, document only plan
测试方法 Both
断言 N
收集的覆盖指标 Code
是否执行时序验证? Y
可用的时序验证报告 Y
所支持的仿真器 Cadence NC-Sim; Cadence IUS; Mentor ModelSIM; Mentor Questa; Synopsys VCS


在 FPGA 上进行验证 N
已通过的行业标准合规测试 N/A
是否提供测试结果? N